the farm

Our family farm is located on the old Chiseldon army camp, just down the road from the farm shop and cafe.
Our aim is to breed and raise top quality animals that produce succulent, full flavoured meat. We believe that happy, stress-free animals produce a higher quality, more tender meat. With this in mind, our animals are traditionally reared allowing a good quality of life in a low stress environment.
Our cows are a cross between Simmentals and Aberdeen Angus. The Simmental cow is a large breed which finishes well, and by crossing these with the Angus breed, we have developed more marbling in the meat.
Our cattle roam the fields during the spring, summer and autumn, and come into the warm, straw filled barn for the wet winter weather. They are a bit molly-coddled and let us know when they think that it is time that they were tucked up inside for the winter by standing at the gate and bellowing at us!
Our main flock of sheep are the Lleyn breed. The breed originates from Wales and are noted as being exceptional mothers producing healthy, live lambs.
We also have a few Badger Faced Welsh Mountain and Kerry Hill Sheep, which we keep mainly because they look pretty.